
What I Have Figured Out So Far

(Pronounced like “Jon Yag”)

Religion and Faith Jon Yager Religion and Faith Jon Yager

Book Review - “Everybody Always”

My good friend implored me to read "Everybody, Always" by Bob Goff. Bob Goff is a New York Times bestselling author and known for his unique perspective on life and faith. In this book Goff challenges readers to love everybody, always, even in the most difficult of circumstances. Through his own personal stories and experiences, Goff shows how loving others can change both their lives and our own.

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Religion and Faith Jon Yager Religion and Faith Jon Yager

All Who Ask Will Receive

All who seek will find, and all who knock shall have the way or the door opened to them.  I have wondered, probably like all of us at some point, if this is just an unlimited or unqualified promise for us.  Can I have anything I want just for the asking?

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Religion and Faith Jon Yager Religion and Faith Jon Yager

Reason Together with God

The word reason means to use the mind to think, understand, and form judgements. The Lord asks us to do that together with him. Sometimes we may need help from others to with this process. A priesthood leader or teacher is there to help. Sometimes we need help to reason it out from a therapist, or a professional. Sometimes there may even be medical attention needed to help us cleanse ourselves and our behavior of some sins. No matter the process needed for each person, it is comforting to me that we will be working with the Lord.

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Office and Work Jon Yager Office and Work Jon Yager

How to Brainstorm Virtually

A recent article in Scientific American talked about the many surveys that have shown an increasing preference to work remotely or in hybrid manner. I think we all feel that. They also linked to surveys that showed that there is also an increased comfort or ability to participate for those with social challenges, different abilities, different personalities or other areas that have traditionally been a left out in the workplace.

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Office and Work Jon Yager Office and Work Jon Yager

Time-Tracking to Find a Better Balance

Time tracking can help us understand how we are spending our time and find balance in our life. It will not solve all your problems, but it may help you find a better balance. Finding that balance while trying to stay productive and successful is not easy. Our normal measurements are all out of whack.

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Religion and Faith Jon Yager Religion and Faith Jon Yager


In the sermon on the mount, Jesus tells his followers (and all of us) that they (we) are the salt of the earth. Looking at all the things that salt does and the essential nature of this, Jesus was telling us something rather important.

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Religion and Faith Jon Yager Religion and Faith Jon Yager

Don't Judge Others, Even in the Scriptures

People are complicated, wonderful, mean, beautiful, ugly, loving, angry, and sweet things all at different times. We all have backgrounds that no other human could ever fully understand. We all experience life in so many different ways, one story, or one victory, or one mistake I made could not come close to explaining who I am. We need to remember that when we look at others.

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Religion and Faith Jon Yager Religion and Faith Jon Yager

Practice Is a Form of Repentance

It is easy to think of practice as something we do for only certain skills in life. We practice playing musical instruments, we practice athletic team sports, we practice when we learn how to play a new game. Practice should be much more than that, we just don't usually use that word in other areas of life. Working to change or improve is practice, or it should be.

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TV - Art - Media Jon Yager TV - Art - Media Jon Yager

A JonYag Book Review - “Start with Hello”

“It’s time to liberate our dusty ideas about what friendship is and who it’s for. We’ve gotten so used to the idea of moving through life with just our family and a tight circle of friends that we’ve lost our ability to imagine a wider web of connection encompassing a gorgeous mess of layers and levels of closeness. What if neighbor is just another word for friend?” - Shannan Martin

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