
What I Have Figured Out So Far

(Pronounced like “Jon Yag”)

Family History Jon Yager Family History Jon Yager

The Grandfather I Never Knew - Part 1

I never knew my grandfather on my father’s side. He passed away 11 months before I was born. I don’t remember my father, or anyone for that matter, talking about him unless it was a more formal conversation about family history. I don’t ever remember my grandmother talking about him at all. I really do not know anything about him. I’ve been trying to learn more recently.

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Religion and Faith Jon Yager Religion and Faith Jon Yager

Baptism of Fire as a Wheat Harvesting Process

In our modern culture most of the wheat or grains we interact with are in sliced bread we bought in a plastic bag from the grocery store or more recently had delivered directly to our house. Our interactions with wheat are in the form of toast or a sandwich. We no longer have much context in how the harvesting or threshing works. The people in Christ’s time did, so those listening to John the Baptist speak here would have all understood.

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Religion and Faith Jon Yager Religion and Faith Jon Yager

The Scriptures are a Means to an End

The bible or scriptures Jesus was referring in John 5 were what we would now call the Old Testament, or at least something close to it. When Jesus was speaking, Paul had not yet been converted. Mark, Luke, John, and Matthew were still learning, they had not written any of this down yet. None of the letters, or epistles, we now study in our New Testament had been written. As a matter of fact, the churches the letters were written too did not even exist yet.

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TV - Art - Media Jon Yager TV - Art - Media Jon Yager

We Will Never Get It All Figured Out

We will never figure it all out. We will never find a place where we agree with everything inside some organization, or some faith, or some group of people. We will never know it all in some subject, or with some skill, or in a profession. You’ll never fully understand your partner or your children. You can never read all the books and learn all the skills. You will never feel like you have arrived.

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Religion and Faith Jon Yager Religion and Faith Jon Yager

Jesus Preached One By One

Sure, there were times when many were listening, and a few where he did speak to larger crowds, but the vast majority of what we have of Jesus in the gospels are of Him answering questions to one person, or healing one person, or simply loving and speaking with one person.

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Religion and Faith Jon Yager Religion and Faith Jon Yager

The Temple and the Home

At the beginning of the Gospels in the New Testament the Angel Gabriel visited both Zacharias and Mary to announce their coming children and the miraculous circumstances of their pregnancies. Both cases are different of course, and in those differences, there are many lessons to be learned and many writings to study. The difference in the places where the visitations happened, I believe are a message of both similarities as well as differences. I think this is something we should notice and learn from.

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