Fishers of Men Straightaway Followed

Fishing boat in the early morning

Matthew 4: 19-20

And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men. And they straightway left their nets, and followed him.

Jesus will use what we know to help us understand. As he found some of his future disciples fishing on their boats and repairing their nets, he used thoughts and ideas that would resonate with them.  He called them to be “fishers of men.”  I do not know, and it is not recorded, but I’m sure the conversation was at least a little more than just 3 words.  We know that they “straightaway followed” and that implies a fast and immediate decision, but it does not mean they followed on 3 words.  I know in my experience the Holy Ghost will touch me while I’m watching a TV show, or movie, or listening to music. All things that I do often and are important to me.  He uses thoughts I already have, or learnings I have gained in the past to teach me and invite me to follow.

Each of us are different. Each of us have different backgrounds and understandings.  We have different things that are meaningful to us. The Lord will use those things to invite us.  We just need to listen, and decide to follow.

Matthew 4:19-20


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