
Hi, I'm Jon. Welcome to my current obsessions journal. You find some photography here of course, maybe some talk about TV or music, I’m pretty sure I’ll be writing some religious thoughts, maybe some birding . . . anything that I find fascinating.

In both my dreams and in reality, since my earliest memories, I’ve been a photographer or creator. As a very young child I watched a TV character develop prints in a dark room and I was hooked. I immediately stole my mother’s baking pans, filled them with water and put pieces of paper in them pretending to make prints. I got my hands on a kodak 110 instamatic camera that I would take on field trips in elementary school documenting my friends and our doings. Things continued from there. I’ve had or used almost every camera known to man, I learned on film, my self-therapy is photoshop, and on and on.

That piece of my personal history shows you my first and two longest obsessions - photography and television.

I’m not a good writer, and an even worse editor of my own work. It is a small dream of mine to be much better. I’ll use whatever obsession I find as my excuse to practice here, so be nice. I’m still learning.

tl:dr - If you are reading this, tell me why. I don’t expect anyone to see this and I wonder what may be wrong with you if you do find this and hang around. Here you will find my thoughts, photos, videos, personal obsessions, personal projects, maybe some writing on things I've learned or that I’m studying. Who knows what else? You have ideas or questions? Email me with them.