Draw the Circle of Our Families Bigger - Loving Neighbors

The circle of our care should be wider than it is. When the lawyer in Luke 10 asks Jesus who is our neighbor the Lord answered with the parable of the Good Samaritan. People that we pass on the streets are our neighbors. Anyone who's life intersects in anyway with ours is our neighbor.

Mother Teresa said, "the problem with the world is we draw the circle of our family too small." The person who lives by us of course is our neighbor. But so is the person in the grocery store check out line who is going to slow for us or is paying with coins counting them out at the pace of a snail. The person on the freeway who just cut us off is our neighbor. Those around us in need are as well.

Do we ask what is the minimum I can do, or do we actually love them as we love ourselves. I know I have work to do here and I need to do better. I've clearly still been in the minimum I can do camp.


Nothing New Under the Search Sun


Having Too Little Time and Too Much Time Causes the Same Problems.