
What I Have Figured Out So Far

(Pronounced like “Jon Yag”)

Christmas With Its Traditions Is the Perfect Time to Remember and Ponder

On Christmas Day this year, I was struck by how important remembering is. Christmas is a time when families and individuals repeat long used traditions. It is a time when we remember the times we were young, or when our children were young. We remember good Christmases and bad ones. There may be pain and sadness as well has joy and laughter in those memories. Remembering is such an important part of the holiday.

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Family History Jon Yager Family History Jon Yager

The Grandfather I Never Knew - Part 1

I never knew my grandfather on my father’s side. He passed away 11 months before I was born. I don’t remember my father, or anyone for that matter, talking about him unless it was a more formal conversation about family history. I don’t ever remember my grandmother talking about him at all. I really do not know anything about him. I’ve been trying to learn more recently.

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Family Jon Yager Family Jon Yager

So Much Like Me

When I was very young, I dreamed of becoming a photographer. It was TV that did it. I was in 1st grade - maybe 2nd. I don’t remember the show, but the main character went in a darkroom to print photos. I think it was a police show. I was hooked from that point on.

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