
What I Have Figured Out So Far

(Pronounced like “Jon Yag”)

TV - Art - Media Jon Yager TV - Art - Media Jon Yager

Marcin Wasilewski Trio

My wife and I went to see Marcin Wasilewski Trio last Saturday night. It was a small place - Paderewski Symphony Orchestra Academy of Music. We had never heard of the place; it seemed like a small private school affiliated with the Orchestra. Everyone there - everyone - spoke Polish. The entire audience seemed to know each other, and we did not hear a word of English from the crowd. We both loved the show, and I could not have asked more of a group I had wished to see live for a long time.

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TV - Art - Media Jon Yager TV - Art - Media Jon Yager

Old-Man Movie Reviews - A 36-Year-Old Classic

Reflecting on my time spent in theaters during the 1980s, it’s a surprise when I stumble upon a film that I didn't catch at the time. 'Midnight Run' is one such film. I’m a big fan of Charles Grodin. His deadpan straight way of delivering comedy I’ve always loved. And the chemistry between him and Robert De Niro is really fun in this movie.

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Office and Work, TV - Art - Media Jon Yager Office and Work, TV - Art - Media Jon Yager

Change, Trying Again, and Books I Hate

Generally, I wouldn't say I like business books. When I say “generally,” I mean I hate them all the time. I try to be open-minded. Maybe there are a few out there that I would enjoy, but I haven’t run into them yet. I’m also not a huge fan of self-improvement books either. Business books are like the worst of the self-improvement ideas written with big corporate words to make them sound impressive. I now only want to read book abstracts to help me through this process. If an abstract hits a chord with me, I might download the book. I’m not holding my breath for that, but who knows??

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“This Is the Way” - The Crossover Chapter in the Book of Mormon

“This is the Way” . . .

On step at a time, over and over again. One sacrament at a time. Repenting over and over again. Praying to the Father and learning to be more like Jesus day after day. Returning to the temple to serve and learn over and over again. Enduring is not waiting, it is growing, learning, and serving.

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TV - Art - Media Jon Yager TV - Art - Media Jon Yager

The 10,000 Hour Rule Myth

Malcolm Gladwell pretty much branded the concept of "10,000 hours of practice" rule in his book "Outliers." He is a respected author and can be very influential. In no way will I dispute his writing or his expertise. I have gained much from his work over the years. But the more I have thought about the 10,000 hour rule the more I have been depressed by it.

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TV - Art - Media Jon Yager TV - Art - Media Jon Yager

We All Stub Our Toes - We Are All the Same

All of us are in this together and all have the same issues. We are all human. We all get colds, we all cry, we all feel love and pain, we all stink if we don't shower or wash up, we all poop, we all stub our toes, we all get old and get pain in our joints, we all have family that we struggle to get along with . . . no matter who you are.

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TV - Art - Media Jon Yager TV - Art - Media Jon Yager

To Write Better, Read Better

Like other art forms, writing does not start with the piece of paper or white computer screen in front of you. I remember learning about and experiencing the "white canvas" problem while in art school. Sitting in front of a blank canvas is the toughest part of creating. Knowing where and how to start can be a big stumbling block.

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TV - Art - Media Jon Yager TV - Art - Media Jon Yager

A JonYag Book Review - “Start with Hello”

“It’s time to liberate our dusty ideas about what friendship is and who it’s for. We’ve gotten so used to the idea of moving through life with just our family and a tight circle of friends that we’ve lost our ability to imagine a wider web of connection encompassing a gorgeous mess of layers and levels of closeness. What if neighbor is just another word for friend?” - Shannan Martin

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TV - Art - Media Jon Yager TV - Art - Media Jon Yager

We Will Never Get It All Figured Out

We will never figure it all out. We will never find a place where we agree with everything inside some organization, or some faith, or some group of people. We will never know it all in some subject, or with some skill, or in a profession. You’ll never fully understand your partner or your children. You can never read all the books and learn all the skills. You will never feel like you have arrived.

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