The Miracle at the Bethesda Pool

Rippling water in a pool

John 5: 5-9

And a certain man was there, which had an infirmity thirty and eight years.

When Jesus saw him lie, and knew that he had been now a long time in that case, he saith unto him,

“Wilt thou be made whole?”

The impotent man answered him,

“Sir, I have no man, when the water is troubled, to put me into the pool: but while I am coming, another steppeth down before me.”

Jesus saith unto him,

“Rise, take up thy bed, and walk.”

And immediately the man was made whole, and took up his bed, and walked: and on the same day was the sabbath.

In ancient times the Bethesda Pool is a place where it was believed that angels, or gods, or some other supernatural force would stir the water from time to time. This belief was around at the time of Christ as well. The first to get into and touch the disturbed waters would be cured of their ailment.

Archeologists found what they believed to be this pool in the 19th century, but it took another 100 years to confirm it was the actual place. The pool had 5 porticos which was unusual for how these were normally built. I guess it gave more places for people to sit and wait. Those with ailments (blind, lame, paralyzed, etc.) would gather on the porticos and wait for the water to be stirred. It is believed the pool was probably used for ritual cleaning prior to entering the temple in the times prior to the first captivity. Over time more supernatural beliefs took hold with many and it became known as a magical healing pool.

The man Jesus healed on that sabbath day in the book of John had been there at this pool for 38 years. Waiting and trying for 38 years. He must have become very bitter, tired, and angry at the world and at God in the process. He tried to get to the pool but each time someone would get there faster and step over him or push him out of the way on their own way to the pool. He had no one there to carry or help him. He was alone.

Jesus did not just randomly come across this man, or any of the others that He healed. The Father sent him. Jesus did nothing that He did not see the Father do, or put another way, the Father led him in all he did. God the Father knew and loved this man, just as he did for each individual then and does for all now. He is always there for us and we are His children. He will never leave us and He is there with Love always.

I can only imagine this man being there for 38 years and how deep his feelings of loneliness and helplessness must have been. He stated to Jesus, "I have no one to help me into the pool when the water is stirred. While I'm trying to get in, someone else goes down ahead of me." On the surface that may seem like a bit of a weak excuse for being there 38 years and never making any progress. Looking deeper, and with even a small amount of empathy, I can see the pain this man must have felt. Almost 4 decades of feeling sorry for himself, waiting alone, and getting walked over by others. Did he drive all his helpers and friends away over the years? Had everyone he knew given up on him? Did he become overly cynical through the years, or overly needy driving everyone around him and all his friends away? It may be his fault, it may be other's fault, we should not judge him for his actions, but if we try to feel his pain, we may understand more of what God saw.

Maybe the message we should get from this miracle is we do have someone to help us. No matter how low we sink the Lord has been lower. He is there to lift us up if just look to Him. Rather than looking to the dirty waters of the pool, we should look to the living waters in Christ. We are not alone. We do not need to spend our lives becoming cynical and brewing in our pain. God has sent His Son. If we look there, we will find life and happiness.

In April of 2022 Amy A. Wright listed broken things that Christ can help us navigate to heal. Rather than sitting by the pool and waiting, rather than sinking deeper and deeper into anger and pain, take the first step and look up. She listed out the categories of things God can and will heal:

1. Broken relationship with God

2. Broken relationships with others

3. Broken Parts of ourselves.

This is so simple and beautiful. I think everything may fit in that list.


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