Pondering Our Experiences and Questions in Our Hearts

Luke 2:19

“But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart. “

Luke 2:51

“And he went down with them, and came to Nazareth, and was subject unto them: but his mother kept all these sayings in her heart.”

I have had many wonderful spiritual experiences in my life. Some I have shared with others many times. Some I share very rarely because they are so sacred to me. And some I have never shared and are closely held as part of my personal relationship with the Lord. As I read Luke 2 recently, I was touched by Mary and one part of her miraculous experience specifically.

No one would have then, or could now, know the reality, the joys, and the troubles of the Messiah being born into our world more than Mary. It is hard to imagine how the glory, joy, fear, and worry that her pregnancy, birth, and the early life with the baby Jesus, our Savior, would have been filled. Her faith and her hope in our Father’s plan, as well as the miracles unfolding in front of her may have been overwhelming to most of us, but her example is something we should ponder, just as she did at the time "in her heart".

She showed us the importance of pondering the sacred things in our life and in our heart in two specific examples in Luke 2.

  1. The first happened when the shepherds came to see and to worship the newly born Lord. They told Mary and Joseph what the angel had told them in the fields, and they would have also shared, I assume, what it then felt like as they saw the Messiah. Luke tells us they also “made known abroad” the things they were told and learned that evening. I can imagine both the wonder and the comfort Mary felt as these unexpected visitors confirmed to her the things the Angel had told her months ago. She must have felt such joy with the message sent from above. Mary did not just listen, but she “pondered them in her heart.” Do I ponder my experiences in my heart? Can I do more to understand and feel the Holy Ghost confirm to me truths from my experience as I ponder them?

  2. The second example happened when Jesus was 12 years old. The family had returned to Jerusalem for the Passover. They must have traveled with a group of friends or family members because it wasn't until they were part way though their return trip that they realized that Jesus was not with them. They had to have assumed he was following with friends or other family members, or they would not have accidently left without him. They immediately returned to find the young boy. Their worry must have been almost more then they could bare, as any parent who has lost a child can attest. They found him in the temple conversing with leaders and priests. They were amazed with the knowledge, sayings, and spirit of this young boy. Even knowing who he was, this moment amazed them. When Joseph and Mary finally were able to speak with him, Mary said “why hast thou thus dealt with us? . . . thy father and I have sought thee sorrowing.” I can hear her saying this in a mix of anger and worry as the emotions of losing her son overwhelm her. Jesus answers in a way that Mary may not have understood at first, but as she listened, it became a great lesson for her. The 12 year old Jesus shows her love by reminding her of His calling. He said, “wist ye not that I must be about my Father’s business?” I can imagine she may have needed to calm down to fully understand what he meant at the time, but I’m sure the spirit touched her with what he said. She again “kept all these sayings in her heart.”

In the first example Mary had a faith building experience that she pondered. In the second she may not have fully understood at first, or had to process her learning and feelings, but she did so again as she pondered it in her heart. Rather then want fast answers, she “kept the sayings in her heart.”

Ponder, let the sprit work. Take time to see what the Lord wants us to learn, and remember your touching and spirit filled experiences often.


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