What I Learned (or Relearned) on the Sabbath

A Wonderful Meadow Where I Spent Some Time a Week Ago

A new feature I’m trying out - What I learned (or relearned) on the Sabbath. July 23, 2023 Edition.

  • Prayer is a means to bring our will in line with the will of the Lord, not the other way around. It is us that should be moved by prayer as we build our personal relationship with God and feel His love through prayer.

  • The first page and the last page of the Book of Mormon tell us a way to read the book. Nephi begins his writing in the Book of Mormon by stating his goal. He was going to tell the story of his family and of his preaching, teaching, and leading, in order to, "show unto you that the tender mercies of the Lord are over all those whom he hath chosen, because of their faith, to make them mighty even unto the power of deliverance." (1 Nephi 1:20) Then in the very last chapter of the book of Mormon, Moroni writes his final words, telling us what he wants us to see as he completes the compilation and hides it away for the future. He and his father have put this book together from many sources over their entire history. It includes many prophets and authors, including what Nephi wrote 600 years earlier. Moroni closes the book with these words, "Behold, I would exhort you that when ye shall read these things, if it be wisdom in God that ye should read them, that ye would remember how merciful the Lord hath been unto the children of men, from the creation of Adam even down until the time that ye shall receive these things, and ponder it in your hearts." (Moroni 10:3) He goes on with some specific steps, but I never realized how you can see the entire book from the first page to the last page as a guide and a help to see and remember the tender mercies the Lord has bestowed on all people from the very start of the creation down to this very day. That alone was a tender mercy for me today.

  • Jokes about how dates have gone from dating apps are not seen the same between men and women. (no, it was not my joke. I was only the witness)

  • This verse of the hymn "Truth Reflects Upon Our Senses" (words by Eliza R. Snow) can make me cry even when I'm in front of people singing with the congregation.

Jesus said, “Be meek and lowly,”

For ’tis high to be a judge;

If I would be pure and holy,

I must love without a grudge.

It requires a constant labor

All his precepts to obey.

If I truly love my neighbor,

I am in the narrow way.*

  • The laying on of hands can be powerful when providing a blessing of comfort. Especially so for those who do not believe as I do, or are not a part of my faith. I learned to not be afraid to offer when prompted.

  • There are other people out there - and very young ones - who have the name "Edwin." That name may be coming back in style. Maybe??

  • One great way to understand what Jesus told us is this way, "He said if we wanted to do something nice for God, we’d do it for His kids. And we don’t need to make a big deal out of it either. He’ll find out. Good Fathers do." (Bob Goff, "Everybody, Always")

  • Marriages are hard.


Book Review - “Everybody Always”


Pondering Our Experiences and Questions in Our Hearts