How Do We Wash Ourselves Clean

Unused Pool Shower

Isaiah 1:16-17

“Wash you, make you clean; put away the evil of your doings from before mine eyes; cease to do evil; Learn to do well; seek judgment, relieve the oppressed, judge the fatherless, plead for the widow.”

Isaiah gives us what it takes to wash ourselves clean. He tells us it is more than just not doing a bad thing, like life was made up of checklists or things to do and not do. We must watch over and love others as well. We are asked to do the Lords work. I’m reminded of the two great commandments as I read Isaiah’s words here. Jesus told us we must love God with our hearts, mind, and might, and then we are to love our neighbor as ourselves. There is a great parallel here as he teaches us how to wash ourselves clean. Other translations of Isaiah 1 can help with understanding some of the way the words are translated. I have used the NSRVUE and the NLV to help me understand.

To make ourselves clean Isaiah tells us to do the following:

  • Stop sinning and doing evil things. We must work to repent and improve ourselves daily.

  • We must learn to do good. Study the words of the Lord. Study the words of ancient and modern prophets. Make and keep convents. Learning to do good is a lifelong process.

  • We must look for what is right and fair, then speak up to help our neighbors and those who are around us. Remember, we are also told in other places that contention is of the devil. We should not use this verse to go out and fight those we disagree with, but Isaiah is telling us to be involved. There are many hurting around us, or being treated unfairly, or that simply do not have access justice. We can and should be mindful of ways to help without adding more contention to the world.

  • We should help and protect the orphans, or those with no parents or family support system.

  • We need to help the widows (and the widowers. We are told in other places to “seek out the poor” - then help them.

NRSVU - New Revised Standard Version Updated Edition

“Wash yourselves; make yourselves clean; remove your evil deeds from before my eyes; cease to do evil; learn to do good; seek justice; rescue the oppressed; defend the orphan; plead for the widow.”

NLV - New Life Version

“Wash yourselves. Make yourselves clean. Take your sinful actions from My eyes. Stop doing sinful things. Learn to do good. Look for what is right and fair. Speak strong words to those who make it hard for people. Stand up for the rights of those who have no parents. Help the woman whose husband has died.”


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