
What I Have Figured Out So Far

(Pronounced like “Jon Yag”)

Religion and Faith Jon Yager Religion and Faith Jon Yager

Remembering the Past vs. Remembering to Have Hope in Christ

We had an interesting conversation today in our Sunday School class. It was related to the chapters we have been reading in The Book of Alma. The discussion was about why some people feel that repentance is painful. Many do. I have at times as well. We probably all have. To cut to the end of our discussion, that is the adversary trying to cause you to feel like it is not worth it to improve. It is not worth removing the guilt and shame of past mistakes. It is not worth the trouble or is not needed. None of those answers will remove the pain.

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Religion and Faith Jon Yager Religion and Faith Jon Yager

Self-Reflection Questions from Alma Chapter 5

In Chapter 5 of Alma, Alma preaches to the church in Zarahemla. They are not doing as well as they should be doing, and Alma is called by the Lord to command them to repent. In the process, he asks many questions throughout his sermon. It was suggested in a Sunday School Class that these could be used for self-reflection and pondering.

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Religion and Faith Jon Yager Religion and Faith Jon Yager

Do Not Underestimate the Power of Prayer (Especially as a Parent)

Jesus told his followers, and we see in many other places in the scriptures, that all who ask will receive an answer.  All who seek will find, and all who knock shall have the way or the door opened to them.  I have wondered, probably like all of us at some point, if this is just an unlimited or unqualified promise for us.  Can I have anything I want just for the asking?

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Religion and Faith Jon Yager Religion and Faith Jon Yager

Seeking Wisdom

The true essence of wisdom lies not just in possessing it but in the very act of acquiring it. This notion is truly inspiring. The journey towards wisdom starts with the persistent desire and decision to 'get' wisdom.

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Religion and Faith Jon Yager Religion and Faith Jon Yager

Reason Together with God

The word reason means to use the mind to think, understand, and form judgements. The Lord asks us to do that together with him. Sometimes we may need help from others to with this process. A priesthood leader or teacher is there to help. Sometimes we need help to reason it out from a therapist, or a professional. Sometimes there may even be medical attention needed to help us cleanse ourselves and our behavior of some sins. No matter the process needed for each person, it is comforting to me that we will be working with the Lord.

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Religion and Faith Jon Yager Religion and Faith Jon Yager

The Scriptures are a Means to an End

The bible or scriptures Jesus was referring in John 5 were what we would now call the Old Testament, or at least something close to it. When Jesus was speaking, Paul had not yet been converted. Mark, Luke, John, and Matthew were still learning, they had not written any of this down yet. None of the letters, or epistles, we now study in our New Testament had been written. As a matter of fact, the churches the letters were written too did not even exist yet.

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Religion and Faith Jon Yager Religion and Faith Jon Yager

Be No More a Reproach

I recently found a few words of Nehemiah helpful. He gave me some ideas to help in creating the environment I need for more positive thoughts. He mentioned the words “be no more a reproach” in one of his motivational speeches to the people of Jerusalem and it made me stop and think (Nehemiah 2:17). I wondered if I could take the rebuilding of the walls and gates of the city of Jerusalem as a metaphor, or maybe as an example, of how to guard against personal reproach.

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