
What I Have Figured Out So Far

(Pronounced like “Jon Yag”)

Religion and Faith Jon Yager Religion and Faith Jon Yager

Reason Together with God

The word reason means to use the mind to think, understand, and form judgements. The Lord asks us to do that together with him. Sometimes we may need help from others to with this process. A priesthood leader or teacher is there to help. Sometimes we need help to reason it out from a therapist, or a professional. Sometimes there may even be medical attention needed to help us cleanse ourselves and our behavior of some sins. No matter the process needed for each person, it is comforting to me that we will be working with the Lord.

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Religion and Faith Jon Yager Religion and Faith Jon Yager


In the sermon on the mount, Jesus tells his followers (and all of us) that they (we) are the salt of the earth. Looking at all the things that salt does and the essential nature of this, Jesus was telling us something rather important.

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Religion and Faith Jon Yager Religion and Faith Jon Yager

Don't Judge Others, Even in the Scriptures

People are complicated, wonderful, mean, beautiful, ugly, loving, angry, and sweet things all at different times. We all have backgrounds that no other human could ever fully understand. We all experience life in so many different ways, one story, or one victory, or one mistake I made could not come close to explaining who I am. We need to remember that when we look at others.

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Religion and Faith Jon Yager Religion and Faith Jon Yager

Practice Is a Form of Repentance

It is easy to think of practice as something we do for only certain skills in life. We practice playing musical instruments, we practice athletic team sports, we practice when we learn how to play a new game. Practice should be much more than that, we just don't usually use that word in other areas of life. Working to change or improve is practice, or it should be.

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Religion and Faith Jon Yager Religion and Faith Jon Yager

Baptism of Fire as a Wheat Harvesting Process

In our modern culture most of the wheat or grains we interact with are in sliced bread we bought in a plastic bag from the grocery store or more recently had delivered directly to our house. Our interactions with wheat are in the form of toast or a sandwich. We no longer have much context in how the harvesting or threshing works. The people in Christ’s time did, so those listening to John the Baptist speak here would have all understood.

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Religion and Faith Jon Yager Religion and Faith Jon Yager

The Scriptures are a Means to an End

The bible or scriptures Jesus was referring in John 5 were what we would now call the Old Testament, or at least something close to it. When Jesus was speaking, Paul had not yet been converted. Mark, Luke, John, and Matthew were still learning, they had not written any of this down yet. None of the letters, or epistles, we now study in our New Testament had been written. As a matter of fact, the churches the letters were written too did not even exist yet.

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