What I Have Figured Out So Far
(Pronounced like “Jon Yag”)
The Miracle at the Bethesda Pool
The man Jesus healed on that sabbath day in the book of John had been there at this pool for 38 years. Waiting and trying for 38 years. He must have become very bitter, tired, and angry at the world and at God in the process.
Youth Need Leadership and Service Opportunities
They are the future leaders, bishops, stake presidents, and teachers of the church. The are the future teachers, managers, entrepreneurs, politicians, and leaders in all aspects of our world. There is so much to distract them, and the time goes by so fast.
Fishers of Men Straightaway Followed
He called them to be “fishers of men.” I do not know, and it is not recorded, but I’m sure the conversation was at least a little more than just 3 words.
Life Is Not a Straight Line
Good things happen to evil people. Tragedies and small troubles happen to the best of people.
Studying and Knowing the Scriptures
The words, “it is written” is quoted 4 times in Matthew 4:1-11, where Matthew tells us of the temptations. Jesus used and quoted scripture to resist temptations. He pulled strength from the learning he had as a youth.
Jesus Preached One By One
Sure, there were times when many were listening, and a few where he did speak to larger crowds, but the vast majority of what we have of Jesus in the gospels are of Him answering questions to one person, or healing one person, or simply loving and speaking with one person.
Draw the Circle of Our Families Bigger - Loving Neighbors
The circle of our care should be wider than it is. When the lawyer in Luke 10 asks Jesus who is our neighbor the Lord answered with the parable of the Good Samaritan. People that we pass on the streets are our neighbors. Anyone who's life intersects in anyway with ours is our neighbor.
The Temple and the Home
At the beginning of the Gospels in the New Testament the Angel Gabriel visited both Zacharias and Mary to announce their coming children and the miraculous circumstances of their pregnancies. Both cases are different of course, and in those differences, there are many lessons to be learned and many writings to study. The difference in the places where the visitations happened, I believe are a message of both similarities as well as differences. I think this is something we should notice and learn from.
“Old Enough!” Netflix Show Helped Me Better Understand the Shortest Verse in the Bible
My wife and I have recently gotten into this Japanese TV show call “Old Enough!” on Netflix. It is also called “First Errand” in Japan, I think. We started watching the show after I listened to a podcast that was kind-of about the show, but really more about the design differences in Japanese and American cities, roads, and life in general that allow these events to happen in Japan yet be totally unthinkable in American
Humility Is Respect to the Least, Not the Greatest
It is easy to show God humility. We should all naturally be humbled by someone who created us, who is all powerful and all knowing. The test of true humility is can we show that reverence to the lowest or to the least among us.
Reading Isaiah to Gain the Spirit of Prophecy
The writings of Isaiah are used in so many different ways by so many different people that it may be one of the greatest examples of the spirit of prophecy. It is also a perfect place where we can gain that spirit ourselves in scripture
Ways to Better Understand or Enjoy Isaiah
I was listening to the Maxwell Institute Podcast about Isaiah 40-49 this week and I heard some good tips on how to better understand these chapters and Isaiah in general. I'll try to paraphrase them here in 3 points that stuck out to me, while adding in some my thoughts as well. Hopefully I can do them justice.
Be A Refuge
I’m watching a TV show tonight in my hotel and one of the characters has a secret note to herself written by ball point pen on her hand. It says “WWTDD”. (Meaning, “What would The Doctor do”)
Be No More a Reproach
I recently found a few words of Nehemiah helpful. He gave me some ideas to help in creating the environment I need for more positive thoughts. He mentioned the words “be no more a reproach” in one of his motivational speeches to the people of Jerusalem and it made me stop and think (Nehemiah 2:17). I wondered if I could take the rebuilding of the walls and gates of the city of Jerusalem as a metaphor, or maybe as an example, of how to guard against personal reproach.