What I Have Figured Out So Far
(Pronounced like “Jon Yag”)
Feast on the Words of Christ
The most common way to think about "feasting on the words of Christ" is to think about the scriptures. There is good reason for that, they are obviously the readiest source of the words to read about Christ, but in an of themselves are they sufficient?
Sunday Thoughts on Joy, Sorrow, and Prayer
A bit of an extended version of a talk, or sermon, that I shared today with some added sections that I did not use due to time limitations. I share many thoughts on prayer and end with a personal story about my mother’s best day and some Grosbeak birds as well.
Sunday Thoughts About Perfect Love
There is a line in the Hymn, "Thy Will, O Lord, Be Done," that is beautiful and tells me much about the atonement of Christ and the nature of Christ.
1st Nephi's Original Chapters Can Help with Understanding
I have found it helpful to see how Nephi laid out his themes into chapters. I find more nuance and more meaning by thinking about the "how" as well as the "what" Nephi is telling his descendants (and us of course) on these plates.
Jerusalem During Lehi’s Time
I find it very rewarding to not only imagine the life of the people in scriptures, but to try the best I can to understand their life, their culture, their history, and how they lived. This gives me much greater insight into what they are writing, what their prophecies may mean, what message they are sharing, and what I could gain from that message. It also opens my heart to the spirit of the Lord where I can gain my own personal insight.
Christmas With Its Traditions Is the Perfect Time to Remember and Ponder
On Christmas Day this year, I was struck by how important remembering is. Christmas is a time when families and individuals repeat long used traditions. It is a time when we remember the times we were young, or when our children were young. We remember good Christmases and bad ones. There may be pain and sadness as well has joy and laughter in those memories. Remembering is such an important part of the holiday.
The Importance of Learning and Application
We should all learn to give greater attention and work harder to remember and to implement all the good things that we learn in this life. From good books, great art, from our teachers, parents or friends, or any other source of wholesome and righteous materials we gain great insight and ideas.
Fall In Love with the Solution (?)
In my professional life, I have spent the last decade or so asking and teaching my co-workers to "fall in love with the problem." At times it feels like I'm preaching to them. I have worked hard to try to be better at this myself as well, as it is always a struggle. This process was recently shaken for me. Combining a faith approach to this took some thinking.
When Your Praying Feels Stuck, Try This
I have found myself stuck in prayer many times, not knowing what to say or how to approach my thoughts. In the moment I can lose any connection to God or to my own thoughts. Here are some tips I’ve picked up to help.
This “All-Surpassing Power Comes From God
“God uses the weak and the plain to bring about His purposes. This truth stands as a testimony that it is God’s power, not man’s, that accomplishes His work on the earth.”
Small Deviations from What We Should Do Today
While I was taking a walk today and thinking about this, the thought came to my mind that small deviations from what we should do today have a large effect on what we want to be in the future. That effect will only grow larger in the next generation.
Love Changes People and The Home is the Best Place for That
We need to see our homes more as the training grounds, the place to learn of Christ. Churches are there to support those efforts. The home is where it becomes real.
Light, Fear, and Faith
Darkness cannot exist in the presence of light. Add light and darkness ceases to be. The more light, the more darkness is removed. The opposite of darkness is light. In the same way the opposite of fear is faith.
Sacrament Prayers Are the Chorus
Our prayers are the daily verses. The story of our personal lives, the struggles we feel, the help we need, and the joys and the gratitude we feel all are written into our daily verses. The chorus becomes the weekly Sacrament Prayers
Faith As Strong as the Widow of Zarephath
Elijah had shut the heavens and caused a three-year drought which caused much hunger and suffering. Elijah meets a widow and asks her to make him some food. She only has enough flour to make one more cake for her and her son, at that point she assumes there will be no more to be found, and they will starve.
Posing Questions Gives Us The Frame to Ponder
Look and pray for more questions, not just for answers. Questions are way more powerful than answers.
Trusting the Master of the Ship Over the Apostle of God
The ship, crew, and especially the goods on the ship are in danger, and Paul tries to warn their leader and the people. The centurion is the one in charge of Paul and the others with them, but he chooses to not put his trust in Paul and his warnings.
Jesus Knew Peter Would Fall Short
I’m sure Peter believed in his heart and mind, and felt as if he knew for sure, he would never ever leave or deny the Christ. He would never leave Jesus's side. Jesus had given him experiences and opportunities that only he knew, and that had literally made him a new man. His loyalties were strong and un-changeable, and he would defend the Christ to his death.
The Earth is the Neighborhood We Have Been Given
The Hubble Field is an area smaller than a point of the pen held at arm’s length. The Hubble telescope took a look in a space exactly like that and found millions of billions (a very big number) of objects that are more then 30 billion light years away.
The History of Prophets is Not a Safe One
Prophets have been prosecuted, rejected, hated, and killed. Even the Lord was treated this way. Messages, teachings, and prophecies have been rejected, mocked, and disrespected.