Light, Fear, and Faith

Light coming through the trees in a redwood forest

Light coming through the trees

Faith is the Opposite of Fear

Darkness cannot exist in the presence of light.  Add light and darkness ceases to be.  The more light, the more darkness is removed.  The opposite of darkness is light.

In the same way the opposite of fear is faith.  Add faith and fear leaves. The more faith, the more fear leaves and the more peace you can feel.  The two cannot exist together, just like light and darkness.

I love in the story of the storm on the sea of Galilee that the author added the fact that Jesus was sleeping (Matthew 8:23-27). That may seem like a small fact, but the author added that detail for a reason. I think that reason was for us to learn something about faith.  Jesus had perfect faith. Because of that perfect faith, fear does not dwell with him. He was able to sleep while others feared.  Jesus asked them “why are you fearful, oh ye of little faith?”  Gain faith and dispel fear.

I also love that Jesus showed his disciples love by calming the seas for them.  He will be there for us as well when our faith falters, but we must do as the disciples did - we must turn to Him. If we feel our faith falling, turn to the Lord and he will calm our internal seas so we can rebuild our faith and therefore conquer our fears. Our problems will not disappear, but He can help remove our fear and give us comfort as we go though the storms of life.

I think of the father who was pleading for Jesus to save his child. His child, who was now grown and an adult, had been afflicted most his life. You'll find this in Mark 9. The Lord tells the father that "if thou canst believe, all things are possible . . ." The father in his fear says these beautiful words, "I believe; help thou mine unbelief." The Lord will help us overcome fear by helping our faith. He will add to what we have and give us comfort.

God helps us through trouble as we experience it

We are here to experience things. When God gave us the wonderful gift of life and a physical body, He also gave us agency to make our own choices. That brings a good-news/bad-news situation to life for us.

Let's have the bad-news first. Due to our own choices, other's choices, sickness, pains, or just life itself beating us down, we will experience all the problems and hardships this life has to offer. Now the good-news. God does not abandon us. He is there offering help, comfort, and sometimes deliverance. He knows we need to experience the bad so we gain experience but he does not leave us alone. His comfort can still be ours. Isaiah reminds us that the Lord is with us as we pass through high waters, or walk through the fires of life (Isaiah 43:2). God helps us and gives us strength and peace, as he allows us to grow and experience what we need to become more like him.

The Lord Can Shine His Light On Your Heart

If God can separate the light and darkness to allow the light to shine over the whole earth (Gen 1:4) how much more easy would it be for Him to cause light to shine in your heart removing your personal darkness? How much more important and valuable would that be?

That light can bring you comfort, understanding, knowledge, wisdom or just peace. Joseph Smith said, “knowledge does away with darkness.” (Teachings of Joseph Smith p.288). Paul (In 2nd Corinthians 2:6) is speaking from experience about this light. "For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ." In Acts, the author tells us a bit more about Paul's experience with this light. “At midday, O king, I saw in the way a light from heaven, above the brightness of the sun, shining round about me and them which journeyed with me. (Acts 26:13)”. This light did more than just surround them, it penetrated his heart and caused a mighty conversion. We are taught that all people are born with the Light of Christ so they can know good from evil; Jesus has said he is the light of this world.

The Lord asks us to step out of the darkness we create for ourselves and into His light. That light can penetrate your heart and bring joy and comfort in even the toughest circumstances.

Prayer Is A Way Attune Oneself With That Light That Comes From the Presence of God

Prayer is not a way to appease a vindictive deity. It is not a way to ensure that some unknown being allows us to succeed in some outcome by giving us random gifts. Prayer does not open a large vending machine in the sky dispensing all the blessings we see fit to ask for. Prayer is the way to bring your life in tune with God. Prayer brings our will in line with the will of the Lord.

Marion G. Romney said the following in 1978, "[prayer] is to attune oneself with the spirit or light which 'proceedeth forth from the presence of God to fill the immensity of space.'" (D&C 88:12). All light and all that exists comes from from God. In that light we will find all the answers to all our needs.

The Lord will not force us to follow Him. He will not compel us to learn from Him. His light fills the immensity of space, but we must decide to use it and see it ourselves. He gives us the key to open the door, then He knocks on that door offering himself to us. “Behold,” said He, “I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.” (Rev 3:20)


Mindful Context Switching Instead of Multitasking


Thank You John Warnock