When Your Praying Feels Stuck, Try This

Trinity Episcopal Church on Mackinac Island, MI

I have found myself stuck in prayer many times, not knowing what to say or how to approach my thoughts. This happens most often when I'm on my knees alone knowing I need to pray, but then in the moment losing any connection to God or to my own thoughts. I have to assume there are many ways to help with this and many teachings or opinions people have come up with. Some simple ideas I've been thinking about recently include using the structure of prayers you have been taught in the past or thinking about some great communal prayer you have read or heard. Start with those and see if they can get you moving forward.

But when I feel really stuck, I been working with this simple structure that I have modified from a few sources to make it more personal or helpful for me.

First the Mindset

Once I'm on my knees I take a few minutes to clear my head of all my personal distractions, stresses, and worries. There can be so much going in my mind that I take a few slow breaths to quiet the internal chatter. Then I take a few more minutes to simply ponder on the nature of Gop and awesome power and love that God has. Our Father is the King of the Universe and has all knowledge and all control of things that are so complex we cannot begin to imagine them, let alone comprehend them. Sometimes I take a moment to think of the immense size and complexity of the universe, the galaxies, all the matter and energy in the universe and how it is all organized by Him. Other times I may think of the small things that bring me joy like music or art. Or of the loving nature of a family member or sometimes even of my dog. Remembering that he created all things, including our ability to feel that love is humbling and seems to connect me to Him in ways I was probably not paying any attention to just a few moments earlier.

In the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus open by saying "hallowed by thy name." My goal in getting into the right mindset is to connect my heart to the "hallowed", loving, and powerful nature of my Father in Heaven. Most importantly, I try to feel his presence with me, no matter how light that presence feels on that given day, before I move on.

Now the Steps

Once I'm in an improved mental state, I move on. I love the order of prayer topics that IMBegger shared in a video titled "Prayer Life Stink? A short guide on how to talk with God, not to God." The order went like this; "sorry - others - myself - thanks."

Start with "sorry." I ask myself where have I fallen short with God, with myself or with others. Then I share that with the Lord. Openly, not covering anything up, just share where you have fallen. I try to find any dark spots in my heart that I'm covering up and bring some light on to that spot by talking about them, or at least mentioning them. What is blocking my way to feeling His spirit more fully? What things filter my view of Him that I should change? If you don't know where to start with this step ask the Lord for help. He will help you find the places where you can do better.

Don't be afraid to open your heart up and say you are sorry. Look for those things that you keep to yourself. Remember, God loves you more than you can comprehend. He is the father in the parable of the prodigal son - and you are that son (or daughter). All we need to do is to take this first step and we will see him running for us with open arms to embrace us. He is not the angry God looking to punish, he wants to bless and heal us. Because we have our agency, we will not force this, we must take the first step in honesty and he is there to love and help.

The next step it to pray for others. Who is suffering that you know? Who is suffering in the world that you may not know? Is there someone in your circle who has lost hope? There is so much pain and suffering in the world, ask for their healing. You must do this with sincerity, and mean it. This is not just about repeating words of pleading for others. You may receive an answer of steps for you to take to help those you pray for - without sincerity the Lord will not give you that inspiration. Remember, the words mean less than your what is in your heart with God.

In last place you now pray for yourself. Share your fears. Share them as simply as you can. Share your sorrows. Share your joys. Share what you are working on. Tell Him about your work or school; about your family; about your friends. Remember to try to focus on what you need over what you want. The beautiful part of prayer is that if you don't know if you want or need something, ask. He will help you understand.

Close by saying "thank you." It can be those simple two words. The trick again to be sincere and really mean it. Take a few moments of silence in the presence of God and think about all the ways you are blessed and all the ways the world is blessed by Him. Let that gratitude seep deep into your soul day after day and your Love of the Lord will grow.

I'm no prayer expert. I may be one of the worst at this in all of human kind. But I'm trying to improve. This has helped me. I'd love to know what helps you. Share it if you feel open to that.


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