What I Have Figured Out So Far
(Pronounced like “Jon Yag”)
Jesus Preached One By One
Sure, there were times when many were listening, and a few where he did speak to larger crowds, but the vast majority of what we have of Jesus in the gospels are of Him answering questions to one person, or healing one person, or simply loving and speaking with one person.
Nothing New Under the Search Sun
85% (or more) of what is searched for every day has been searched for before.
Outsourcing Our Lives to Google
I think about how many times a day I use Google search, then I think about how many decisions I make after that search, and it is crazy. Searching for information used to be a process of going to the library, talking to an expert, finding books or articles, reading magazines, and other steps that took time.
Humility Is Respect to the Least, Not the Greatest
It is easy to show God humility. We should all naturally be humbled by someone who created us, who is all powerful and all knowing. The test of true humility is can we show that reverence to the lowest or to the least among us.