
What I Have Figured Out So Far

(Pronounced like “Jon Yag”)

Office and Work Jon Yager Office and Work Jon Yager

1:1 Meetings. Endure or Love?

I once had a manager whose idea of a one-on-one meeting was to spend the entire time complaining about my teammates. - by name. But let’s talk about the kind of meetings that actually matter if done correctly: the one-on-one meetings. When done right, these gems can transform your work, school, and home life.

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Religion and Faith Jon Yager Religion and Faith Jon Yager

Self-Reflection Questions from Alma Chapter 5

In Chapter 5 of Alma, Alma preaches to the church in Zarahemla. They are not doing as well as they should be doing, and Alma is called by the Lord to command them to repent. In the process, he asks many questions throughout his sermon. It was suggested in a Sunday School Class that these could be used for self-reflection and pondering.

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Religion and Faith Jon Yager Religion and Faith Jon Yager

Do Not Underestimate the Power of Prayer (Especially as a Parent)

Jesus told his followers, and we see in many other places in the scriptures, that all who ask will receive an answer.  All who seek will find, and all who knock shall have the way or the door opened to them.  I have wondered, probably like all of us at some point, if this is just an unlimited or unqualified promise for us.  Can I have anything I want just for the asking?

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Religion and Faith Jon Yager Religion and Faith Jon Yager

Seeking Wisdom

The true essence of wisdom lies not just in possessing it but in the very act of acquiring it. This notion is truly inspiring. The journey towards wisdom starts with the persistent desire and decision to 'get' wisdom.

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TV - Art - Media Jon Yager TV - Art - Media Jon Yager

Old-Man Movie Reviews - A 36-Year-Old Classic

Reflecting on my time spent in theaters during the 1980s, it’s a surprise when I stumble upon a film that I didn't catch at the time. 'Midnight Run' is one such film. I’m a big fan of Charles Grodin. His deadpan straight way of delivering comedy I’ve always loved. And the chemistry between him and Robert De Niro is really fun in this movie.

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Religion and Faith Jon Yager Religion and Faith Jon Yager

#ComeFollowMe Thoughts, Half-Way Point

What we are reading this week in the #ComeFollow Me program is about the midpoint in the entire story, or history at least, of the Book of Mormon. It’s weird to think that when Mosiah took over with the plates, 470 or so years had passed since Lehi and his family came across the water. That’s like us today, looking back at the 1600s or so. That's a long time.

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Office and Work Jon Yager Office and Work Jon Yager

Book Review - One That I Liked, A Lot

Reading this book was not just a journey into note-taking techniques for me. It led me, and a surprising number of other readers I found on the internet, into a transformative practice that challenges the conventional wisdom of how we compile, process, and generate knowledge. If you love note-taking and knowledge management, enjoy writing (or would like to), or are involved in researching anything, I highly recommend you take a spin through this book.

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Religion and Faith Jon Yager Religion and Faith Jon Yager

Learning from King Benjamin (But Not His Speech)

In reading the Book of Mormon, so many of us get to the Book of Mosiah and look forward to King Benjamin’s speech; it goes on for multiple chapters, is filled with gospel truth, and is quoted so often by so many that it just feels comfortable. So, this time around, I want to learn from something outside of the most famous speech in the Book Of Mormon.

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Office and Work, TV - Art - Media Jon Yager Office and Work, TV - Art - Media Jon Yager

Change, Trying Again, and Books I Hate

Generally, I wouldn't say I like business books. When I say “generally,” I mean I hate them all the time. I try to be open-minded. Maybe there are a few out there that I would enjoy, but I haven’t run into them yet. I’m also not a huge fan of self-improvement books either. Business books are like the worst of the self-improvement ideas written with big corporate words to make them sound impressive. I now only want to read book abstracts to help me through this process. If an abstract hits a chord with me, I might download the book. I’m not holding my breath for that, but who knows??

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“This Is the Way” - The Crossover Chapter in the Book of Mormon

“This is the Way” . . .

On step at a time, over and over again. One sacrament at a time. Repenting over and over again. Praying to the Father and learning to be more like Jesus day after day. Returning to the temple to serve and learn over and over again. Enduring is not waiting, it is growing, learning, and serving.

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Religion and Faith Jon Yager Religion and Faith Jon Yager

Jerusalem During Lehi’s Time

I find it very rewarding to not only imagine the life of the people in scriptures, but to try the best I can to understand their life, their culture, their history, and how they lived. This gives me much greater insight into what they are writing, what their prophecies may mean, what message they are sharing, and what I could gain from that message. It also opens my heart to the spirit of the Lord where I can gain my own personal insight.

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Christmas With Its Traditions Is the Perfect Time to Remember and Ponder

On Christmas Day this year, I was struck by how important remembering is. Christmas is a time when families and individuals repeat long used traditions. It is a time when we remember the times we were young, or when our children were young. We remember good Christmases and bad ones. There may be pain and sadness as well has joy and laughter in those memories. Remembering is such an important part of the holiday.

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